Sunday, April 28, 2013

The train has left the station.

Apologies.  I'm doing/renewing a Marian Consecration and had a few things on the calendar this week that prevented me from blogging.   One of those things was attending a Latin Mass (and lecture) said by Fr. Z (at St. Paul's in Cambridge).

I haven't been to a Latin Mass for about ten years.  Not that any reader here has to be reminded, but boy, have we been robbed.   In so many ways. 

And, what a gift it was to encounter such a gracious, joyful, articulate and truthful priest. He has a great sense of humor and is head over heels in love with Our Lord, His Church, Sacraments and the salvation of souls.  A genuinely good soul who is on fire.

You know that banal phrase the moonbats robotically repeat as the license to insert themselves into the role of the cleric at Mass?  Create a distracting three-ring Barnum and Baily circus around the sacred moments of Sacrifice?   I've purged it from my mind - something like blah blah bloobloo active participation blah blah blah?

He spoke the silliness of it all and what I believe to be the greatest larceny of laity in the circus around the Novus Ordo -the obfuscation of (what he called) active receptivity of the Mass.

What I have often referred to as the intimacy with Christ in the Liturgy.  The purpose of attending to receive.  To place yourself in the Presence of Christ for the purpose of actively drawing from Him.   To quite literally place your mind and soul into Christ with the intention of purification and gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Gifts we desperately need as we go through our day with our families, home, work, community.

I really have to work at it in the Novus Ordo.  It takes every bit of my concentration.   I realized after his lecture - it was soooo easy to do in the Latin Mass.   I was able to get there much more quickly and stay there through the entire Mass.

I didn't have a guide, but did have my Magnificat and just prayed the Mass in English.  Was pretty much united with him (and the community) as they prayed in Latin.

I have chosen to stay in Crete, so that when things get crazy, when the asinine turns into spiritual abuse of the poor lambs, I can pursue justice, stop it.  But I could get very used to seeking refuge in the Latin Mass from time to time.

In the question and answer period after his lecture, an attendee very respectfully expressed concerns around the Pope Francis hoohaa.    Fr. Z's honest, articulate handling of this question really demonstrated the fruit of sanctifying grace.

He said the Jesuits are not Liturgical and there may be some ground lost here and there, but the eight years of Pope Benedict gave us what we need and the train has left the station and it is unstoppable. He is absolutely right.  

When answering this question, he also addressed Pope Francis' focus on the corporal works of mercy. He said he believes it to be the right path because the people have lost their ability to reason  (what we often refer to here as diabolical disorientation) and drawing them in with the corporal works of mercy is a good game plan.

I think that depends upon if he silences the teachings of the Church and/or makes the corporal works of mercy the sacrament that absolves one of the sins they simultaneously have going down in their life.   As Christ warned, many will say I fed the hungry and did this or that in Your Name and He will say Get out, I do not know you and the things you did were unauthorized.

That is not a good enough end game for evangelists and parents whose children need the clear instructions from Catholic priests, bishops and our Pope.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Roy Bourgeois Would LIke to Show a Movie to Pope Francis

An intro for his appeal to lift his excommunication.

  CMR: Pink Smoke at the Vatican.

Whooh boy, I wouldn't touch that one with a ten foot pole.

Me thinks Pope Francis would choke on the popcorn. I love the Archibolds sense of humor.
Roy Bourgeois is becoming the Pete Rose of Catholicism.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dzokhar Tsarneav Ran Over His Brother and Dragged His Body Down the Street - Which is Likely What Killed Him

The terrorist in custody is seen in photographs LOL after he placed a bomb beside a child in a crowded area that he knew would blow them to smithereens. To get away from the police, he drove over his brother, which is what likely killed him.

"One of [the officers] yells out 'look out' and here comes the black SUV, the carjacked car, directly at them," Deveau recalls. "They dive out of the way, yet he runs [over] his brother and drags him that short distance down the street."

"In effect, killing his brother?" Blitzer asked. "Yes, that's what we think," Deveau replies.

That is not a person who was hoodwinked or persuaded to do something he didn't want to do.

That is all.

Jesus' Blood Never Fails Me

Most (if not all) readers of TTC have intimate knowledge of the power of Divinity and the Eucharist, we are often baffled (and frustrated) by prelates who withhold the magnificent power and/or replace it, undermine it with the asinine.

We watch Cardinals, Bishops, priests and uncatechized laity robbing people suffering, hurting from the effects of their sin, challenged with temptation, who draw near to the power of the Eucharist.

It's like watching a patient being wheelchaired once a week into an emergency room and given a bandaid for their bullet wound.

The ridiculousness of their malpractice of letting souls wallow in suffering and pain is an injustice to souls and moreover to Christ. The value of the soul and the Divinity of Christ is beneath the personal agendas, low self-esteem and narcissism.    It is a deliberate alienation from the cure of what ails us.

I loved following reflection from St. Bonaventure (published in this month's Magnificat) and wanted to share it with all of you.

The intentions of those who communicate are different and numerous: some are induced to it by the love of God alone, that they may often draw their Beloved into the bottom of their souls, to enjoy Him, comfort themselves in Him, and become enflamed with His Love.  Others are excited to it by the knowledge they have of their own weakness, and seek to be cured of their infirmities by the assistance of this heavenly physician; others are touched with the remembrance of their sins, and hope by this great Sacrifice, and by this saving Host, to obtain pardon of them; others, seeing themselves pressed with some temptation, or some extraordinarily affliction, have recourse to this Sacrament, that, by the power of the Almighty, they may be delivered from their troubles, and defended from their enemy; others desire some particular grace, and address themselves to this dear Son, to whom His Father can refuse nothing for the obtaining of their request; others burn with a zeal of testifying to God their acknowledgement of His benefits, and they offer Him this same Son who is given them, knowing that they cannot present him anything more agreeable than this Cup of Blessing which He has communicated to us; others have a design to praise God in His Saints, since we cannot of ourselves more worthily honor them than by offering to God this Sacrifice of praise in remembrance of them; others in fine, celebrate and communicate being induced to it through an earnest desire of their neighbor's salvation or by the compassion they have of their brethren's adversities, being assured that...nothing so efficaciously pleads the cause of the miserable, or so powerfully intercedes before the face of the Father for the living and the dead, as the Precious Blood of His Son, which He has shed both for the one and the other.

There is no temptation or sin that the surrender, repentance and remission of sin in the Sacrament of Confession and worthy reception - in a state of grace - of the Power of the Eucharist at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, cannot cure.

If you're attracted or tempted to steal, addiction to pornography, alcohol, drugs, covet thy neighbors wife or a person of the same sex or any sex outside of the Sacrament of Marriage, or any and every sin, this is the power to save you from your own sinful attractions.

Did the terror in Boston awaken the sleeping giant?

I have a friend, a very faithful Catholic and keen observer of the spiritual world, who will often say "Boston is where (Constitutional) freedom began and where it will end".

He says that because of the political operation of the communists operating from Harvard University, the spiritual defilement of souls led in our Catholic institutions by the sick order of Jesuits, compounded by the catechetical and spiritual mess run by the archdiocese.

Our courts, politics and schools are filled to the rafters with the products of their education and spiritual defilement.  

Boston is, consequently, a magnet for evil.

I'm not sure if readers here observed it, but an abrupt and radical change seemed to have manifested itself over the last few days.

A number of years ago, Barack Hussein made significant gains in his campaign to instill hatred for police and whitey, when the police responded to a call from a Cambridge resident who suspected breaking and entering.  Obama used the incident as the springboard for racial discord and malice against police in our country.

Barack painted the responding police officer as a bigot, and police officers as a klu klux klan persecuting black people.

The incident backfired when the officer's proactive history for racial harmony was published and black officers in the Cambridge police department came forward to refute the President's ridiculous and bigoted assertions.  God bless those men.  I pray for them often.

I hate to say it, but I have not had a lot of hope for the useful idiots and our country.    public's refusal to recognize, acknowledge islam as an enemy of life and liberty to the entire world, the corrupt media willfully and purposely covering up the ethnic cleansing islam is carrying out against Christians and Jews, and the President's tactical and financial support of said ethnic cleansing, I had resigned myself to our country's destruction. Settled into preparing for the events in the Book of Revelation to start manifesting themselves in our country and in our lifetime.  

The whole process could take another thousand or two years, of course, but it gets ugly a long time before Christ's return and my general thoughts were "let the games begin".

This week, Boston had a taste of living in the warzone of islamic terrorists. 

Our Jewish brothers and sisters posted their condolences, prayers, with a startling reminder and message:  this is how they live every day.  Helicopters flying over you, police, fire, guns, sirens whizzing by, lockdowns.  Temporary shut off of your phones that you cannot reach your family, your children and beloved family and friends.    Stuck 50 miles away from them in a city without transportation. 

It isn't pretty. 

It takes incredible spiritual, intellectual, physical and emotional discipline to find your direction, keep yourself in a state of grace while deal with the stupidity and cowardice in the midst of it.

I thought to myself, so this is it. 

But then, I saw THIS on facebook.

Graze over the photographs in this story.   They tell the story of my observation.  

I'd love to hear your thoughts.

By the way, did you note the President's passive/aggressive attempt to dissuade Americans from recognizing the radical agenda of islam is jihad and has arrived upon their land of their own country?

1. Islam is a political force for the ethnic cleansing of Jews and Christians and they are carrying it out all over the world.
2. The President tactically and financially supports the political force.
3. The President and secular media goes to great lengths to cover up their radical crimes.
4. There are many innocent victims of islam - mostly women and children who grew up in countries and families and are loving, holy and people of peace - seeking the face of God in islam, who are not served by the pretense of ignorance is bliss.

I don't pretend to know the President's motives but the facts are indisputable. 

There are some groups whose crimes against humanity and the dignity of the human person are so atrocious, righteous people have the duty to expose them. 

The klu klux klan, nazis, communists - to name a few.

The people who carry out the radical and evil agendas of these groups and the actions themselves cannot - and will not - be disaffiliated.

Watching the President last evening (something I seldom do), I couldn't help but hope he was speaking out of love for the United States. Since his actions up to this point in time have been division and destruction of our country and the dignity of human life, I am always waiting for the shoe to drop.

 Inevitably it does.  

I wish the man well, pray for him, his own personal safety, but the problem has really been him. He lacks the power to destroy our country.

The quote from a recent article states the problem beautifully:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what truly ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." 

Let's pray for the awakening.  All things are possible with God.

Friday, April 19, 2013

FATWA in Boston

As those following events know, FBI had to delay releasing photographs of the suspects for 24 hours for the President's dog and pony show and we are now all in lockdown.  It is entirely possible, if not probable, the delay has put us all in danger and is causally related to the death of an MIT police officer.

 The President would be wise not to turn the fatwa of Islamic propaganda onto Americans who reserve the rights in their Constitution. That conspiracy ended inside of a pressure cooker on Boylston Street.   

Our police and military (please keep them in your prayers) are currently going door to door in Watertown to apprehend one of the Islamic terrorists.  The other lies in the morgue at Beth Israel Hospital.

For those of you in Boston, Jack Williams (channel 4) is very forthcoming about the islamic influence of Chechnya, that the portrayal of the terrorists as normal young men whom nobody would suspect would hurt a fly is baloney, etc.

One of the uncles of the brothers, extremely upset, spoke to the press about his nephews.  He said they were losers who hated everyone and everything that was successful. 

Recognize the rhetoric?

It's the rhetoric of the President of the United States - contempt for those who have pursued success. 

Other relatives, clinging to the glory days, are claiming the 'beautiful boys' were killed by a plot concocted by YOUR GOVERNMENT.   One said she was here in the United States pursuing her law degree but now wants to go home to Russia. Her portrayal of our policeman is despicable.  

We can make that happen tomorrow lady.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cardinal O'Malley Hosting a Dog and Pony Show for Obama at our Cathedral of the Holy Cross

After a long day in the war zone, I don't even have the bandwidth to express this mutually shameless codependent grab to politicize the tragic manifestation of hatred Obama breeds to empower his popularity.

I'm all for each of us praying in our respective places of worship across the country. It brings me great joy to be united in prayer across our faith under these circumstances especially...but...

Anyone ever heard of an 'interfaith' service inside of a Catholic Church?

Never in my 57 years, have I ever seen nor heard of one. An 'interfaith service where the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Christ is reserved in our Sanctuary?

Doesn't pass my Sacramental, Liturgical and theological sniff test but I am too tired to even process the reasons why.

I've heard of them being done outside in the open air - but Catholics generally do not participate in them as they give the appearance we are okay with polytheism.

  Furthermore, instead of looking for the murderer, police power and resources now shift to a Presidential appearance.

I wish Obama would just be man enough to leave us alone.

Demoralizing our women, killing our children and our sick, bankrupting our country, inspiring hatred between those who are poor and rich, between races, between religions - especially Catholics, hatred against those who pursue virtue and salvation. Hatred against Americans. Hatred of police. Hatred of our military. Etc., etc., etc.

We forgive you but please - Just go away and leave us alone.

Why bishops hate blogs.

News of Archbishop Nichols crybaby homily HERE.

Dear Archbishop, some lowly Catholics further down the hierarchical system find that their "complaints" (i.e. concerns, anguishes,  agonies and fears) often go unheard and unheeded - the use of the modern means of communication - including blogs - gives many a voice who are otherwise ignored.  It democratizes the Church in a good way but, of course, it means that those at the top are more readily held to account.
There are reasonable alternatives. When a complaint of misdeeds of a prelate crosses their desk they can do something about it. But nobody has held them accountable for 30 years. They really don't hate blogs. They hate being held accountable. Cry us a river.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tragic Ending to Boston Marathon

Family all safe and accounted for - still checking on a few acquaintances who went or ran in the race.

Your safety has been in my prayers, as have all of the victims, families, police, rescue, FBI -etc.

Two more bombs have been reportedly been found, and they are searching to make sure the area is safe.  I work a block or so away but off today for Patriot's Day.

My Jesus Mercy.

Pope Francis reaffirms Crackdown on Dissident US Nuns

Wherein Carol is breathing again.

The reformation of Catechesis for our children and grandchildren is back on track.

Thank you Jesus, Mary and every Saint and Archangel in our 2000 years whom we have petitioned over this last month.

I don't believe I ever read the quote from the head of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious, Fat Farrell.

At the time, the Vatican dispatched an archbishop to rewrite the group’s statutes and set up reeducation programs to bring nuns back into line, alleging that leaders of U.S. orders had challenged the church's teachings on women's ordination and ministry to homosexuals.

The move was denounced by Pat Farrell, then the head of the organization, as creating “pain and scandal.”
Is this lady serious?

We have watched them demoralize our family, relatives, friends and strangers - had a front row seat to the turmoil sin has brought into their lives - we have watched some die in this state---and putting the skids on their damage caused them 'pain and scandal'?

That's what you call audacity.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Is Cardinal Kasper Suggesting the Pope Intends to Dissolve the Vatican?

I don't see the wisdom in letting all the nuts come out of the woodwork to say stupid things that damage the relationship between faithful Catholics and the Chair of Peter for months or years, do you?

Earlier this week, Kasper contradicted Pope Benedict XVI's statement that damage done to the Church after Vatican II was a miscarriage of intentions and teachings of the Church - and to the world - at the hands of unfaithful prelates and lay people. He  caricatured the trajectory of the Pope Francis as re-energizing the dream of extinguishing Church teaching and sanctification to an institution that operates pot luck suppers and soup kitchens.

This is what he said:

Brace yourself.

Quoting a seminal 2005 speech by Pope Benedict -- who often clashed with Kasper -- Kasper says that the council must not be interpreted as a "break" with tradition but as a "reform" and "renewal" in continuity with the church's past.

According to Kasper, this could now lead, under Pope Francis, to translating the council's statements into "practical consequences" that could rekindle its "innovative impulse."
And, here he is shooting off his mouth again today
Edit: now that there’s been a change of management. Cardinal Kasper feels free reign to speak his mind.  
“The world Church can’t be led in a Eurocentric way any more.” This is what the German Curial Cardinal Walter Kasper said in an interview with “Corriere della Sera”, that was published this Sunday. In a “globalized and complex world collegiality is the right direction”, said the former leader of Vatican Ecumenism. It is also important for the Pope, that he governs and has the last word. “But it is important that he has well informed advisors about him, who represent the entire world.” The Curia needs reform, “in order to become more efficient”. That Pope Francis has chosen eight Cardinals to advice means “no synodal form of government as it is understood by the Orthodox”, specified Cardinal Kasper
This is the witness the Pope is giving to the children of Catholic parents who have had the ugly chore of trying to explain why Father Queer Theology, Sister Sex Condoms and Contraception and the Woodstock Wingnuts are impediments to their salvation? He is going to give the witness that their parents were mistaken and the apostates had it right all along and he is here now to put them all back in power? I could, of course, be mistaken, but I don't think Cardinal Kasper has a handle on what the Pope is actually saying. The same old malady, BTW, that has crippled his intellect throughout his entire life. Though I'm not quite sure Fr. Landry has it nailed either (I'll get to that in a minute), he certainly is within the bullseye HERE.
A Church that merely protects its small flock, that gives all or most of its attention to its faithful clientele, he believes, “is a Church that is sick.” In a 2011 interview with an Argentinian Catholic news agency, he said this contagious spiritual sickness comes from a clericalism that passes from clergy to laypeople. “We priests tend to clericalize the laity. We do not realize it, but it is as if we infect them with our own disease. And the laity — not all, but many — ask us on their knees to clericalize them, because it is more comfortable to be an altar server than the protagonist of a lay path. We cannot fall into that trap — it is a sinful complicity.”  
Clericalism ails the clergy when they become too self-referential rather than missionary. But it afflicts laypeople worse, when they begin to believe that the fundamental service God is asking of them is to become greeters, lectors or extraordinary ministers of holy Communion at Church rather than to live and spread the faith in their families, workplaces, schools neighborhoods and beyond. 
The reform that’s needed, he continued in that interview, is “neither to clericalize nor ask to be clericalized. The layperson is a layperson and has to live as a layperson with the power of baptism, which enables him to be a leaven of the love of God in society itself, to create and sow hope, to proclaim the faith, not from a pulpit but from his everyday life. And like all of us, the layperson is called to carry his daily cross — the cross of the layperson, not of the priest.”

Read more:

It seems to me, the Pope is saying the abandonment of converting those outside of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church and the clericalization is sinful complicity in the madness of the uncatechized and daffy women who stampeded and trampled our religion and robbed our children of the tools necessary for salvation.

Fr. Landry goes a bit off of the reservation here:

One of the wild grapes that flows from the vine of clericalism, the future Pope said in El Jesuita, is a hypercritical spirit that leads some Catholic priests and faithful to expend most of their energy censuring others inside and outside the Church rather than seeking to live and share the joy of the Christian faith.

“This is a problem not only for priests,” he said, “but also for laypeople. One isn’t a good Catholic when he is looking only for the negative, for what separates us. This isn’t what Jesus wants.” 
Such unredeemed behavior — found regularly in personal conversations, blogs, comment boxes and Internet video analyses — “mutilates the message” of the Christian faith and scares people away from it, he said.

Well, there are certainly legitimate concerns, but I most often find people who say things like this applying it to the wrong people.

For instance when Mark Shea criticizes Voris or Fr. West - etc., - whose apostolates are 99.9% filled with a very positive presentation of the Catholic religion.   Have you ever searched through that man's archives?   It is incredible.  I don't know how he does it.

But rather than acknowledging the large deposit of positive, critics focus on the tiny portion of Voris' apostolate that focuses on righteous delivery of criticism of prelates who are victimizing souls with their nonsense.

Similarly, if a Catholic is out in the world leading prayer groups, devotions, prayer, adoration, being a witness to faithful practice of our religion - through a priest like Fr. Landry has no knowledge of this quiet practice - if the same person mentions corruption and cronyism and dereliction of duty, he discharges a righteous request to cease from doing harm -- even if it is to a single soul -- as the ranting of a malcontent doing disservice to Christ's Church.

This is the very clericalism that needs reformation.

When a Catholic sees harm being done to a soul or worse, an entire parish or diocese of souls - bringing the error forward and seeking a process where the prelates in charge correct that error has yet to manifest itself.

I love Fr. Landry, but some of his generalizations in this piece are off of the reservation.

The reform of the laity, the document says, must involve re-forming them to become “missionary disciples in communion.”

Those four words define the lay vocation: converted followers of Jesus, who together with others who share Jesus’ life, faithfully seek to spread their joy, life and love to those who have not yet come into that two-fold communion.

It’s a community of believers trained and inspired to go out to transform politics, society, education, neighborhoods, family and marriages.

Anyone see the flaw in Fr. Landry's thesis?

When a priest brings in a speaker like Fr. Piggford who promotes homoeroticism to children, when a Cardinal endorses the apostolates of the Fr. Unnis, Fr. Garritys, Fr. Butterballinos, Fr. Josomas  - etc., and the forum for asking the Cardinal to correct these priests or remove them if they refuse to be corrected is rebuke, bully, threats and slander on the Cardinals blog of righteous Catholic parents whose loved ones are being influenced by the disordered witness of spiritually sick prelates

When righteous people follow protocol and contact the Papal Nuncio in their country, who is too busy or disinterested in the situation because he is out at swanky booze parties rubbing elbows with Michael Sean Winters and politicians who legislate the culture of death

When Catholics continue to follow protocol to the Holy See for decades which is responded to by the further empowering of disordered prelates in your diocese and it gets to the point where the Pope's butler has to sneak the documents out of the sick and disordered village and give up his freedom to fall on his sword for the sake of the Church - because the people who bring corruption to the surface are the people who are punished all the way to the top

Then the 'missionaries' are transforming politics by advancing the culture of death on every level. 

Telling righteous people they need to stop whistleblowing about the disorder and corruption is

a. not going to happen
b. reinforcing the good old boy network that protects disordered prelates by applying pressure to whistleblowers and therefor the wrong fix
c. skullduggery

A few weeks back, I was involved in small conversation about the state of the world when a young man suggested the fiat of Catholics as personal devotion and not one of conversion.   My friend, a wise man, put it succinctly:  When somebody sins, there is a person who is responsible for it - held accountable for it by Christ.  Either it is the person sinning, the priest who neglected his duty, the bishop leading the see who neglected his duty.  

There are, of course, some cases where Divine Mercy applies.  The person is low IQ or mentally ill, or in a remote desert of a third world country, etc.   But the adjudication of who is responsible for the world which has clearly gone mad from diabolical disorientation is on the shoulders of a responsible party and the road to hell is paved with their skulls.  Righteous people do everything they can to every party whom they see is derelict in duty to release their victims from ignorance and sin.

This is love that ends up hanging from the Crucifix. 

We're here to remind Fr. Landry and everyone else, all the way up the ladder to the Pope, that it is delusional to entertain the notion that Catholic parents and grandparents are going to silently watch the Pope usher back in apostates and ask us to sit in silence as they rob our loved ones of their salvation.

That era has passed.

It's official: EWTN Slandering Latin Rite Community as AntiSemites

Waking up at dawn to the news that the Pope is gumming up the Holy See with 'committee', my first instincts were "You're only kidding yourself (at least in this house!).  Committees are the vehicles for cowards who need to insulate their self-esteem from accountability for the execution of their own plans."

When you need to distance yourself from the voices of your victims, you select like-minded people whom you know will deliver a piece of paper that tells you to do what you were going to do all along.  Then, of course, the coward hires the people to carry it out and then distances himself from it.

After all, how are they to blame?

People told him to do it!

We've all seen employers carry out their own agenda and plans this way.

I wholeheartedly concur with our friends at BCI.

Naming Cardinal O'Malley to a Committee to reform the Curia is like naming Hillary Clinton to a Committee to reform international embassy security.

The fix is in: cronyism, corruption and clapping carnal clusters.

And, what reform would be without an accused anti-Semite and co-president of Pax Christi.

Frost the bureaucracy with another level of low-ranking bureaucrats who'll meet six months from now to create a think tank.  Meanwhile, make sandwiches for the Suisse Guards.

Why don't we all just cut to the chase and save them the time and energy?

What the hierarchy needs is an encyclical on how to man up.  

Humanis Testoseronis.

Evangelium Erecti Spinus.

Apostoli et Terminatio Pinko Mafiosio.

Boston Catholics could deliver the manifesto in a couple of hours.

I digress. 

This post is about EWTN finally coming out of the closet. They let Simcha Fisher do the dirty work of caricaturing Catholics who attend the Paschal Mystery and Sacred Liturgy in the Latin Rite as anti-Semites.Mark Shea applauding on the sidelines.

EWTN carries the despicable story HERE.  I refuse to link to Mark Shea's treachery.

I've read very little of Dawn Eden over the years but I was surprised to have to divest myself of the notion she was a sensible woman.

I didn't know that every time I go to the Novus Ordo, if I don't discredit and apologize for Mark Shea and Bishop Gumbleton, it means my devotion to the Sacred Liturgy and Sacraments is some kind of ratification of the loony things they've said and done.

Will somebody ping me when Simcha apologizes for the friends with benefit liturgies, lousy catechesis or vulgar icon of women on her blog?   There are thousands of women who don't want it pinned to our reputation.  It won't go away on its own.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Pope Francis First Appointment to Curia: Fr. Jose Rodriquez

Second in command at the Office for Religious Orders.

Reading the spin of the secular media outlets and journalists notorious for teaching Catholics infidelity at National Catholic Reporter -et al, the appointment is a sign that the Holy Father will order the polyester pants of nuns now under the scrutiny of the Holy See to be foisted and hung in the Sanctuaries beside the galeros.  He is signaling the return of the nuns who teach licentiousness to Christ's flock.

They cracked the code earlier in the week.  Apparently, the Holy Father's reformation of the Holy See will be to transfer anyone who upholds Church teaching.  It all became crystal clear when he said that women have an important and fundamental role in the Church and kissed a little girl in St. Peter's Square. These actions signal he will contradict infallible teachings of the Church and ordain women.

What I heard the Holy Father say was that women have always had the significant role of passing on the faith to their children and grandchildren.  Always have, always will.   It was a gentle invitation and reminder that Christ entrusted His most precious job to women.  The most rewarding work is right under their noses.

Others see subliminal messages from the Pope.

They've concluded the Pope will exercise his authority for these same mothers and grandparents (who spent the last few decades appealing to Rome to discipline priests and teachers appointed to contradict Church teaching) to oust the prelates who adjudicate matters through upholding truth and Church teaching.

He's going to replace them with prelates who glorify nuns and priests and lay people who tell those same children and grandchildren not to listen to faithful parents, grandparents or Church teaching because it is hateful and oppressive.

Thus far, it still seems - at least to me - the media is misinterpreting what the Holy Father is saying.

I'm not saying he won't because I don't have a crystal ball.

Maybe the Holy Father wants to teach love by giving the children of mothers and grandmothers role models who teach love by sexually exploiting their minds and souls, thereby robbing them of salvation, so long as we work to give eggs and toast to the hungry and put a roof over the head of the homeless.

This certainly has been the protocol here in Boston, so it is not outside of the realm of possibility that the Holy Father will adopt this disordered execution and witness of love.

Perhaps the Pope has the high hope that if he suffocates truth and Church teaching and empowers those with long history of defiling the souls of those same children and grandchildren, mothers and grandmothers will entrust our families (and consequently future generation of our ancestors) into what would clearly be inspiration from the demonic and the formal erection of a counterfeit church in the Chair of Peter.

I don't know.  He doesn't look that stupid to me.

That would render that same role of women which he claims to be of critical importance, an exercise in futility. 

I don't know.  Maybe he thinks women look that stupid.

These are the facts:  We know all of the players because we've spent the last twenty years seeking relief.    We know the games. 

What you see in the public square or on television are not the kind of women who are devoted to children and grandchildren.   The Holy See does not have to play rope a dope with us.   Mothers and grandmothers interested in the salvation of their children's souls and the souls of their children's children, are not as dumb as we look, nor as weak.

We want faithful prelates appointed to our dicastries so that when we go up the chain of command to report corruption, the corrupt will disciplined and removed, sent for counseling and spiritual healing.

If he packs up faithful prelates and colonizes the Holy See with the same unjust judges and thugs who claim their false clap-happy fornicating gospels are some kind of new evangelization for the 'poor', bad end that.  Bad end.

Everyone in charge of anything - from the local parish, to every chancery and every dicastry in Rome -  is going to be needing a hefty supply of Tums and toilet paper.

We're sending the flare across the bow of the Roman Ship with words of wisdom from a very, very wise prophetess:    When Mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Mark Mallet's Hour of the Sword

Mark is feeling a bit ominous about the escalation of threats around the consequences of sin.

Can't say I disagree with him, but I'm thinking more like this is just the beginning of a looooong chapter of ugly.

I was six at the time of the Cuban missile crisis. I am absolutely floored by the lack of interest and concern this time around as the lunatic sets up his missiles in North Korea.

Like the time of Noah, they're oblivious. 

Mark recommends taking advantage of Divine Mercy Sunday.  I trust readers here are on that, staying in a state of Grace, frequent reception of the Eucharist, prayer, penance, fasting.

Don't get caught without oil for the lantern.